Ergonomic and Anthropometry are “married” in every product.
How are Ergonomic and Anthropometric data related to each other?
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5 years ago
Both are very important when making/creating a product. Both have to be considered as both will affect how much a user likes the product.
ReplyDeleteThey are related as both are factors lead to the perfect comfort and is convenient for the human body. The person would be automatically satisfied with the product if both factors meet their expectations.
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ReplyDeleteErgonomic and Anthropometry are linked to each other as ergonomics focus on comfort and safety while anthropometry takes into concern of human measurements. In order to achieve a high presence of Ergonomics in a product and provide comfort to the user, Anthropometry must be done first.
ReplyDeleteThey must be together,as the product must be able to provide comfort and be able to avoid injury to the user along as the designers of the product have put into consideration the measurements of the human body.
ReplyDeleteAnthropometry is the measurements of the body so based on the details by Anthropometry, the product can be made also to support the Ergonomics of the product for the different types of users.
ReplyDeleteTHey affect each other. To allow comfort, the product must be customized to the customer's size. It will also affect the product's effectiveness of providing comfort.
ReplyDeleteThe TSW
They are related as it needs ergonomics to make sure that the product is safe and comfortable for people to use. Or else, it is dangerous and people will not feel good after using it.
ReplyDeleteAnthropometry is to make sure the product is of right size to a human, like height, length, distance etc. This should suit a human perfectly or it will be very uncomfortable and feel very awkward.
Brendon Goh
Ergonomic is to let a product provide optimum comfort and to avoid stress or injury. In order to do that, we need Antropometry, to measure.
ReplyDeleteOr is it?
Argh. I dunno.
They are related to each other as they are both important in the design process of a product which is specially made to make it easier for humans to work.
ReplyDeleteErgonomics needs Anthropometric data to be "Ergonomic"
ReplyDeleteif a product is ergonomic but is anthropometic, it would not fit a person, and if a product is anthropometic but not ergonomic, the product would not be comfortable or safe for the user.
ReplyDeleteBoth are needed in a product because the comfort of a product has to do something with the ratios of the human body. So if something is too big, like shoes 1 meter long, then the person would not be able to use it that effectively.
ReplyDeleteBoth are important because person creating the product has to consider if the product will make other people's life easier.
ReplyDeleteIn every product, there is a relationship between ergonomics and anthropometry. Ergonomics is the comfortability and safety of the product, and anthropometry is the measurements of the body relating to the product, so both datas are needed to work hand-in-hand to meet the satisfaction of the customer, as if one i lacking, it would not satisfy the needs
ReplyDeleteBoth Ergonomics and Anthropometric affect the comfort and safety of a person. Both of them are essential in creating or designing an object.
ReplyDeleteBoth are required to make the ideal product. If a product is not safe and comfortable if it does not have the the right size or proportion to fit the human body
ReplyDeleteErgonomics and Anthropometry are linked to each other as its the measure of safety and comfort so that the user of the product would enjoy using the product. Both are needed as both safety and comfort cannot 'live' without each other. When there is Ergonomics used, there must be Anthropometry somewhere.
ReplyDeleteErgonomics And Anthropometric data are related to each other as both are factors for the comfort and safety of a product. Thus, both factors must be put into consideration when building a product for optimum comfort and safety.
ReplyDeleteErgonomic and Anthropometry are important in products as they would make it safe to use, comfortable to work with and measurement of it suitable for users. These factors are what we(everyone) favour in the products. Ergonomic and Antropometry help to make our life better and more comfortable.
ReplyDeleteAs ergonomic is for comfort but anthropometric is about positioning which also gives comfort
ReplyDeleteThey are related to each other as ergonomic is to make sure the product is comfortable but it needs Anthropometric to enable that to happen. Anthropometric is a study of the measurements of the human body so if that is taken into consideration in the product, it would ensure the product is more comfortable and safe which would make it ergonomic
ReplyDeleteBoth affect the comfort the user will receive.
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