These are the rubrics for your final piece of work due in Term 4, Week 4. THREE things that you would need to submit are:
1. Multimedia Presentation: this is supposed to be a self-running multimedia presentation that should last a MAXIMUM of only 3 minutes! It could include graphics, pictures, voiceovers, sound, text or other media that should explain how your final product works, and solve the intended problem. Creativity is highly encouraged, and thus approaches similar to advertisements, campaigns and telling a story are possibilities that could be explored. This presentation should be uploaded into your ADMT blogs and commented upon subsequently by your peers.
2. Design Journal: this should include observations and product ideas that you have captured in this project, and your evaluation of them. This should be concluded with how your product is supposed to resolve the problem that you are tackling, and your finalised product idea. It should preferably be done in Word/Pages and should be able to explain sufficiently the processes involved in coming out with the final product.
3. Prototypes/Models: this is supposed to be working, or almost working, models of your product ideas. It should be able to show clearly how the problem that you have highlighted, is supposed to be solved. Use of cardboards, corrugated boards, wire, clay and others, where relevant, are highly encouraged.